Class and Pricing InformationPrivate lessons are available between sessions and during the summer months. Please contact the individual instructor. $65.00 per hour. Classes that we offer:
Class Descriptions Skill Building This class will revisit and extend foundation skills by incorporating motion, distraction, distance, and simple sequencing. This class is for experienced handlers with new or young dogs. A strong reliance on and differentiation of verbal cues will be used to teach obstacle discrimination. Basic verbal cues include: sit, down, right, left, tunnel, jump, here and go. Skills to negotiate tight turns on jumps, backsides of the jump, threadles and serpentines will be developed. When and where to incorporate front crosses, blind crosses, and pivots to handle backsides of the jumps, threadles, and serpentines will be taught. Independent obstacle focus and performance, such as finding hidden tunnel entrances, is emphasized in order to increase the dog’s responsibility so that the handler can move ahead on course. Advanced balance work for teeter and contact performance, as well as building a contact behavior and fundamental weave pole execution will be part of the core skills introduced in this class. Dogs with aggression or barking issues must be evaluated by us prior to registering. Equipment needed:
Novice This class will introduce concepts and methods for training basic obstacle performance skills and through the continuous enrollment format of this class, enable teams to build sound skills, confidence and enthusiasm for obstacle performance. Skills covered include contact behaviors, jumping basics, weave poles, teeter, dog-walk, A-frame, chute, tire, tunnel, flatwork and introductory handling skills. Because of the scope of the skills covered in this class, it is expected that dogs and handlers will enroll for several sessions as teams progress at different rates. Equipment Needed: